Important! We recommend using regular price plans instead of the multiple price plans whenever possible. The simpler plans tend to have higher conversion rates from your end-users, and will result in higher income in the long term.

If you are confident that you need different pricing plans for you different content types, follow this tutorial.

An example could be:

Step 1: Set Up Prices on Zlick Portal

  1. Go to the Zlick portal -> Monetization plans -> Advanced view
  2. Create a new price plan for each price point. Here’s an example:
    • For Content 1, create three different prices:
      • Content 1 – single purchase price
      • Content 1 – monthly subscriptions price
      • Content 1 – annual subscriptions price
    • For Content 2, create a two price plan:
      • Content 2 – single purchase price
      • Content 2 – monthly subscriptions price

Step 2: Create Post Categories in WordPress

  1. Open your WordPress admin page.
  2. Navigate to ‘Posts’ and then select ‘Categories’.
  3. Create a new category for each content type. In our example:
    • For Content 1, create a category named “news”
    • For Content 2, create a category named “premium”

Step 3: Assign Zlick Pricing Plans to Categories

  1. On the Categories page, select a category and click ‘Edit’.
  2. Assign the relevant Zlick pricing plans to each category. In our example:
    • For “news”, assign the following Zlick pricing plans:
      • Content 1 – single purchase price
      • Content 1 – monthly subscriptions price
      • Content 1 – annual subscriptions price
    • For “premium”, assign the following Zlick pricing plan:
      • Content 2 – single purchase price
      • Content 2 – monthly subscriptions price

Step 4: Assign Categories to New Posts

When creating a new post, ensure that you assign the relevant category. This will activate the associated pricing plans for that post.

Assign Categories to Pages

WordPress does not support Categories on Pages by default. If you need to enable multiple plans on pages, you have two options:

  1. If you only have one type of content on pages, and everything else is on Posts, it’s easy. Just keep the default pricing for Pages (check the “enable monetization” checkbox under the page in the page editor view) and set up the multiple plans for Posts.
  2. If you need to set up multiple pricing plans on different pages, you will need to use a third party plugin that enables Categories for all Pages in your WordPress. After such plugin is installed and enabled, Pages can be used in a similar way as Posts (see step 4 above).

Access to the Content

Once the setup is complete, when a person subscribes to a specific pricing plan (e.g., “Content 1 – weekly subscriptions price”), they gain access to all the content falling under the same category as that pricing plan. In our example, this plan was assigned to “news”, so the subscriber gets access to all “news” articles.

Having one subscription access multiple categories

If you have multiple types of content on your site that you wish to share with the same subscription plan, do the following:

  1. Go through steps 1-3 above and give that pricing plan and category a generic name like “Subscriptions”. The pricing plan(s) must be connected to that category on WordPress.
  2. Create two additional categories, e.g. “Blog” and “Podcast” (depending on your needs).
  3. When publishing a new post assign two categories to it – “Subscriptions” category will use its pricing plan and will make sure it is a premium post, while “Blog” or “Podcast” category will easily help you place it in the right section of your website.
  4. You can use the price plan category (“Subscriptions” in or example) on your site to showcase all premium articles under the same list.

In conclusion, using Zlick portal and WordPress, you can set up various pricing plans for different types of content, providing your audience with flexible subscription options that best suit their needs.