Taboola alternative - Zlick vs Taboola

Zlick and Taboola serve publishers but with contrasting approaches. Taboola provides contextual ads, while Zlick offers a lightweight paywall platform, protecting your content with a payment barrier yet maintaining its search engine visibility.

So, what’s the distinction between Zlick and Taboola, and which solution would better serve your needs?

Zlick offers an efficient paywall for optimal user conversion in selling content or subscriptions.
In contrast, Taboola specializes in targeted ads based on content and viewership but lacks the direct revenue and user experience advantages of subscriptions.

Notably, the industry is experiencing a shift towards subscription models. The American Press Institute reports that over half of Millennials now pay for digital news, indicating a growing preference for subscriptions over ad-driven content.

taboola alternative

*No credit card required

What makes Zlick the best Taboola alternative?

Better User Experience

The absence of ads ensures your readers are not interrupted, enhancing their engagement and retention.

Increased Revenue Stability

Unlike fluctuating ad revenues, subscriptions offer a consistent and recurring revenue stream.

Increased perceived value

Studies have shown that consumers often equate price with quality. Hence, when users pay for content, they perceive it as having a higher value.

Zlick vs Memberful comparison

Which is a better paywall for you – Zlick or Memberful. Check the table below to help you make an informed decision. 



Platform focus
Simple subscriptions and one-off purchases
Complex membership levels
1-click payments
Clicks to complete a payment
Widget matches the website
Automatic CSS matching + manual customization
Manual customization
Payment methods
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Credit and debit cards
Mobile payments
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Credit and debit cards
Time needed
Less than 10 minutes
More than 30 minutes
Step by step installation guide
Automated guide, fully visible during setup
Manual guide, limited visibility during setup
Upfront costs
Percentage from transactions
Dedicated account manager
Marketing and sales consultation
Subscribers can manage their own subscriptions

Zlick vs Taboola comparison

Which is a better option for you – A subscription model or a advertising model. Check the table below to help you make an informed decision.

Zlick Paywall


Revenue stream
Stable income from subscriptions
unpredictable ad-based income
Customer connection
Direct, loyal subscriber relationships
no direct audience connection
Content Value
Enhances site as premium
potential value detractor from ads
User Experience
Ad-free, seamless browsing
potential ad disruptions
Financial Barrier
Tiered pricing/free trials
ad disruption but no financial barrier
Implementation and Management
Easy setup of subscription tiers
continuous ad campaign tweaking
Product market fit
Ideal for unique, high-quality content sites
generic ad display
Marketing and sales consultation

*No credit card required

Summary: Who should use the Zlick plugin?

The Zlick paywall is ideal for publishers and creators seeking a direct, ad-free revenue stream from their content. Zlick provides you with a dedicated account manager and personalized monetization consulting, Once you start making money we take a 5% commission but other than that there are no monthly or recurring fees 

Simplicity of installation

Zlick is focusing on simplifying the signup and onboarding process for publishers and content creators. 

Compared to other leading plugins, Zlick takes 3x less time and effort for the signup process, we have an interactive onboarding guide always at your service, and our dedicated account manager helps you overcome any obstacles. 

This means that you can invest your time into creating valuable content or improving your business instead.

Better conversion rates of end-users

Zlick’s paywall widget is built for top-notch conversion rates: streamlined buying process, localized languages, widget seamlessly matching the website, etc.

Zlick’s streamlined payment process requires 2x less clicks to finish buying or subscribing to content compared to leading paywalls. This means that more visitors will finalize the buying process and spend their money on your content

Dedicated account manager and monetization consulting

Zlick, an easy-to-setup platform, offers more than just a self-service paywall. With setup in under 10 minutes, you also get a dedicated account manager to guide your transition, share best practices, and deliver tailored monetization consulting. With our help, you’ll surpass traditional ad services like Taboola and optimize your user experience and revenue.

Pricing - we only earn if you do

We want you to succeed and we can only be successful if you are (Our commission-based fee model means we only charge you if you earn money from your content). 

 This way you will get more of your hard-earned money into your bank account.

It takes 10 minutes to start collecting your first payments

*No credit card required